What would you do when you are teaching in class,a student put his hands up and said
This might sounds rude but for the record I had experience this before.Last semester break when i was teaching English at a tuition centre.
What does this boy actually mean?Opss i accidently revealed the identity of the student.Is my approach in teaching boring or is it the boy who has discipline problem or worst he has problems in understanding lectures?
YELL back at him?SCOLD him?or hell will break loose and you just hit him on the face?Far worst,you humiliate them just to make him behave the way you wanted him to be.Ask me.I will definitely answer that i just smile back at him and continue teaching because at the moment,that was the only thing that a newly mould future teacher is supposed to do.As teachers,you cannot cry in front of your students or get mad at the boy immediately because that would be unfair to the rest of the students in the room and even unethical.So how are we going to handle the classroom everytime we enter the class?How are you going to handle those kind of students?
Well,fellow future teachers this is the time where you imply your self-control and start learning what is the DO's and DON'Ts.
To avoid having your students acting beyond the limit,there are several ways you can practise to keep them liking you and accepting you to deliver the knowledge to them.
To avoid having your students acting beyond the limit,there are several ways you can practise to keep them liking you and accepting you to deliver the knowledge to them.
- Always smile and be friendly with your students to allow them develop interest in learning from you.
- Make yourself approachable yet not becoming friends to them as friendship implies the give and take principle
- NEVER stop a class and confront the students over their minor fractions in class as it is hard to create a win-win situation which will rupture the self-confidence the offending students in class
- Bias.Do not practise any favor in class especially based on ECONOMIC STATUS,SOCIAL STRATA,RELIGION and even RACE.
- Humiliating students just to get them to behave will be another MISTAKE because positive relationship between the teachers and students will be ruined thus students will lose confidence in you and making learning unsuccessful.
- YELL.Yelling tells that you already lost the battle.Raising voice in class will not make students respect you but they will be vexed.
- Giving the power to control to students.This is to avoid you from becoming a doormat if you simply give in to any demands from your students without considering the pros and cons first.
- Do create rules that are essentially fair and valid for all situations.Do be flexible with students that have valid excuse if they did not turn in their homeworks on time.
- Have sense of humour when teaching.Humour will release the tense in class and makes learning more fun and enjoyable.
- Punctual.
and yes people,HEIGHT or BEAUTY does not count.Thou i'm short yet not beautiful i still can make a great teacher in the future.SO DO YOU!

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