Saturday, January 15, 2011

Was it us,the teacher or them the student?

Last year 2010 had brought up issue that really hit the educators right on the nose.

from both of the videos from Youtube.

ONE QUESTION popped into my mind.


That's a question i would love to highlight.

Try putting the blame on the teachers.What happened to the ethics of the teachers that supposed to be followed and practised as a teacher.Was it appropiate for the male teacher to actually hit the boy?Was it appropiate for the female teacher to also hit the girl?These are debatable and emotional Q's for every party.Teachers won't sit still when society blame them for the misguided behaviour of the students and so do students as their parents would be protecting their children.

So what are the reasons for the misbehaviour of the students and teachers being out of control?One of the common factor that i could make sense of is that the teachers are feeling depressed for their responsibles are getting more and more difficult from time to time.With never end tasks 24/7,curricular activities and classroom issues teachers are lacking time for themselves until hell break lose and a small mistake doen by the students would be a serious issue.

How is this happening if the program designed for future teachers are actually complete enough to fit the future teachers when teaching in the future?They learn ethics of teachers,methodology of teaching,sociology in education and even counseling to prepare them with every challenges in the profession later on.

Now lets not blame the teachers or the education instituitions.Lets check whether the hierachy of sociology is complete or not in order to make education plays its role in moulding the positive behaviour of the students and keep teachers in control.Before a person enters school,we need to check whether he is haviong a good sort of family and religion too.Because attitudes in studies would be mould from the family and religion itself.The instituition of education interacts and is interdependent with each of the other instituitions.Family's reaction towards education will affect the child's development in school.

Considering the fact that the world is moving towards Capitalism era like what Karl Max had used to introduced long time ago there is no doubt why discipline problems is now mushrooming and teachers get crazier day by day handling and figuring out the best way to curb the disciplinary problems from getting any worse.Pressure would force teachers to take action out of their sense of rationality and physical punishment will be the short term solution that will always come into teachers mind,refusing all the ethics learned previously.

There is no one to be blame.The key is to keep the sociology instituition play their roles and I as future teacher will not feel that insecure to teach.Especially with this height.

Thanks For Reading.Feel Free To Leave A Comment

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