Thursday, February 3, 2011

Counseling Evolutions.

In millennium era,the counseling career had evolved.In 2002 this profession finally realized that their importance has vary and grows within the needs of the clients and the society themselves.Among the contributing factor for the evolution of counselors role are violence,trauma,and  crises,managed  care,technology  and identity (Bass & Yepp,2002;Hackney & Wrenn,1990;Lee & Waltz,1998).All these demand the counselors to upgrade their services very often according to the development within the society.

Conflicts  aroused  due  to  many  reasons  in this  globalized  era.Conflicts  is defined  psychologically  by Free  Online  Dictionary as  opposition  between  two  simultaneous  but incompatible  wishes  or  drives, sometimes  leading  to  a  state  of  emotional  tension  and  thought  to be  responsible  for  neuroses.In  this  current  status  quo,conflicts  like  traumatism,crises  and  violence  are  striking  the  culture  of  today’s  world.War  in  Palestin,natural  disasters  in  several  countries  like Indonesia,China  and  Acheh  had  put  the  world  in  traumatism  state.Symptoms  of  traumatism  are  intense  fear,helplessness or horror.( Samuel T.Gladding 20). Prof. Mooli Lahad  and  Ruvie Rogel  in  The Australasian Journal of Disaster and Trauma Studies  explain  the  renewed  emphasis  on  stress  treatment  of  acute  stress  disorder (ASD) :

ASR is a transient disorder of significant severity which develops in an individual without any other apparent mental disorder in response to exceptional physical and/or mental stress and which usually subsides within hours or days. The stressor may be an overwhelming traumatic experience involving serious threat to the security or physical integrity of the individual or of a loved person(s).

Counsellors  in Y2K  century  must  have  spealised  training   to  deal  with  these  type  of  clients( Samuel T.Gladding 20).Counsellors  should  provide  a  long  term  meeting  with  the  clients  as  occasionally  crises  will  rise  within  the  period  of  clients  recovery.To  deal  with  these  type  of  clients, Foa  wrote  in  the  guidelines  for  mental  health professionals'  in  response  to  the   tragic  events  in  the  US (post September 11 2001)  the  counselor  should  be  able   to;

  1. Listen actively and supportively, but do not probe for details and emotional responses. Let the person say what they feel comfortable saying without pushing for more.
  2. Validate and normal natural recovery.
  3. If people do present to clinics or counsellors requesting help, single-session contact should be avoided. In these instances people should be scheduled for 2-3 more visits over 2-6 weeks time.
  4. Traumatic experiences may stir up memories and/or exacerbate symptoms related to previous traumatic events. Thus some people will feel like this is "opening old wounds". These symptoms should also be normalised and are likely to abate with time. It may be helpful to ask people what strategies they have successfully used in the past to deal with this, and to encourage them to continue to use them.

Next,the  challenge  of  managed  care.Counsellors  in  millennium  era  have  to  deal  with  the  dilemma  of  working  under  the  managed  care organizations (MCOs)  or  to  work  effectively  on  their  own.Managed  care  involves  a  contractual arrangement  between  a  mental  health  professional  and  a  third  party,the  managed  care  company,regarding  the  care  and  treatment  of  the  client( Samuel T.Gladding 20).Managed  care  has  become  a  need  in  21st  century  for  the  field  of  mental  health  practice.They  provide  guidelines  on  how  a  mental  health  practitioners  should  deliver  their  services  and  the  right  of  consumers .This  has  somehow  boost  the  counseling  profession.Contrary, research  has  shown  that  the  majority  of  mental  health  professionals find  the  requirements of  managed  care organizations (MCOs) a  substantially  negative influence   on  their practice  because  they  are  not  well  compensated  under  one  roof.

21st   century  is  the  century  where  technologies  become  the  needs  of  the  beings   in the era.Before,traditionally  technologies  are  used  to  keep  the  counseling  records,manipulate  data  and  do  the  word  processing.Currently,as  people  of  today favours  interaction  within  the  internet,counseling  has  now  come  out  with  online  counseling therapy.Counseling:A Comprehensive  Profession Fifth Edition  mentioned  that  list  servers  and  bulletin  boards  systems  has  been  encouraging  interactions  between  counselors  and  clients.A  good  rapport  is  build  for  both  party  which  finally  enhances  the  quality  of  services  provided.The  flood  of  online  counseling  journals  has  proven  to  be  successful  as  people  often  surf  for  career and  job consultations  and  other  counseling  purposes.In  a  nutshell,counselors  of   21st  century  need  to  learn  how  to  use  technology  and  manipulate  the  technology  to  upgrade  their  standard  of  work  and  services.

Counseling is a distict profession.Counsellors should be aware of the environmental change within the societies and the world. This profession need to make some changes in training and in the delivery of counseling to make it professional. Professional counselors of the future need to utilize their strengths and demonstrate to their consumers that they have something important to offer. Counselor is the heart of a school .

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