Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Student's Exchange Program

Last January UiTM under the Faculty of Education had conducted a student's exchange programme with one of the university in Korea.This program had enliven the faculty for a week making people go crazy over the Koreanese that were here.Yes it do has connection with the KPop culture that has been striking  all the nerve of every teenagers nowadays.LOL.


It could be defined as a program where students from secondary school or university choose to study abroad in partner institutions for a specific period of time.Well fyi,it started to become popular after the World War II.It is aim to help ;
  • to promote cultural understandings and tolerances,
  • to improve language skills by involving themselves in the real situation of the targetted language and
  • also to broaden their social horizons.
An exchange student typically stays in the host country for a relatively short period of time, often 6 to 10 months, in contrast to international students or those on study abroad programs which can last for several years.


Student's exchange programme leads to benefits which can be classified into two major parts.They are;

1.Campus sake
2.Student's sake

Let's go through the benefits one by one.


a).Enrichment of the academic program

+Supplementing and Complimenting Academic Courses and Programs

  • Helps bridge the gap between regional and international exchange options offered by most campuses by making available to students the academic resources of a wide variety of institutions across the globe.
  • Campuses are able to help their students take advantage of courses, concentrations, programs, fields of study, or other academic options not offered by their home institution.
+Joint academic program
  • Potential to develop joint programs between two institutions.
  • Campuses can combine departmental strengths to develop a program which allows students to expand the depth and breadth of their education by taking courses at two different institutions.I.e:Twinning program
b).Multicultural Experiences
  • Students have an opportunity to gain insight into the historical and cultural makeup of different regions,
  • To improve communications skills with individuals from diverse backgrounds,
  • To eliminate racial and ethnic stereotypes. It is an opportunity for students to make the most of their education and prepare themselves to live and work in a more culturally diverse society.

Broaden personal and educational perspectives

Explore and appreciate new cultures

Widen university boundaries

Take courses not offered on the home campus

Learn from different professors

Access courses with different perspectives

Explore new areas of study

Experience personal growth

Live in a different geographic area

Investigate graduate or professional schools

Look for future employment opportunities

Become more independent and resourceful

Acquire life skills

Experience life from a different point of view

This student's exchange program should be promoted whether nationally or internationally.This would not only benefits the campus and the students but it leads to the unity within the respectives countries as this program improve the understanding of a person towards the country's cultures and customs.






















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